Daniel Manns
Data Scientist
ML Engineer
AI Consultant
Available for Amazing Projects
Daniel Manns
Data Scientist
ML Engineer
AI Consultant
Available for Amazing Projects
Daniel Manns
Data Scientist
ML Engineer
AI Consultant
Let's Get in Touch!
Let's Get in Touch!
Want to Work Together? I will be happy to help you with your AI and Data Science related Questions!
Want to Work Together? I will be happy to help you with your AI and Data Science related Questions!
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Average Response Time: 24 Hours or Less
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your hourly rate?
What is your preferred project duration?
Are you available for On-Site projects?
Are you available for employee leasing?
What is your hourly rate?
What is your preferred project duration?
Are you available for On-Site projects?
Are you available for employee leasing?
What is your hourly rate?
What is your preferred project duration?
Are you available for On-Site projects?
Are you available for employee leasing?
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Let's create something unique together! Here's how you can reach out to me!
Say hello 👋
Let's Connect!
Let's create something unique together! Here's how you can reach out to me!
Say hello 👋
Let's Connect!
Let's create something unique together! Here's how you can reach out to me!